The Journey To Better Skin Starts Here.
Booking Information.
We offer two convenient ways to schedule appointments. Online which makes it easier for you to book, re-schedule, or cancel at your own convenience 24/7 or by phone (289) 302-4011 during our clinic hours.
In order to provide the best service to our customers, all New Clients are required to book a consultation/assessment. We offer 30-minute appointments that are a great opportunity to meet our experienced cosmetic nurse injector and discuss your aesthetic goals and concerns at NO CHARGE.
For consultations with possible treatment, NO DEPOSIT is required to hold these appointments. At Diosa, we pride ourselves on no pressure to purchase appointments and there is no obligation to proceed with any service. These are longer appointments that provide the initial consultation and enough time to perform the treatment if you choose to proceed with one.
All EXISTING CLIENTS of Diosa Beauty Clinic can select their preferred treatment when booking their appointment also without a booking fee.